The economy of Dubai grew by Dh339.4 billion in the initial 9 months of the year 2024 as compared to the same time of the year 2023, this Growth is observed in many sectors of Dubai. This year also, it is being expected that the GDP of Dubai will grow immensely and will attract more people to their country. Also, they are going to take many Economical Decisions in 2025 which will raise Dubai’s GDP Growth 3.1% In 2025. You should know that various factors ranging from Tourism to Real Estate have contribution in Dubai’s Economy. We have discussed all the Factors Contributing Towards Dubai’s GDP 2025 which you must read to know about the Economy.

Dubai’s GDP Growth 3.1% In 2025
This exceptional growth of all the sectors of Dubai shows the city’s strong execution and economic policies leading to such a Dubai’s GDP Growth 3.1% In 2025. Dubai is aiming to make itself come among the top 3 cities in the world till 2033 and also make itself a economy double than it is now. In order to achieve such pace, Dubai is planning to initiate new business strategies by reducing business costs and making itself an approachable business hub.
Factors Contributing Towards Dubai’s GDP 2025
Here is a list of Factors Contributing Towards Dubai’s GDP 2025:
- Wholesale & retail sector- 2.9% growth (Dh 83.12 billion) : This is the largest sector as per value if compared with other sectors and contributes to 24.5% of GDP of Dubai and in total it gave an overall growth of 24.5% to Dubai.
- Transport & storage sectors- 5.3% growth (Dh 42.135 billion) : This sector covers about 12.4% of UAE GDP growth and an overall growth of about 20.8%. All activities including water and air are covered in this sector out of which the air transport is the biggest contributor in the growth.
- Finance & insurance sectors- 4.5% growth (Dh 39.439 billion) : This sector contributes about 11.6% of GDP and a total of 16.6% in the overall growth of the country.
- Communication & information sector- 4.1% growth (Dh15.863 billion) : The information and communication sectors hold a 4.7% role in the GDP of the country and a total of 6% role in the overall development of the country.
- Accommodation & Food- 3.7% growth (Dh11.538 billion) : Dubai is one of the most visited tourist destinations because of its great infrastructure and most updated technology. People all over the world wish to visit this place hence making the accommodation and food industry hold a 3.4% growth in GDP and a 4.1% of growth overall.
- Manufacturing sector- 2.3% growth (Dh28.338 billion) : This sector contributes at 8.4% growth in the GDP of the country and 6.2% overall growth.
- Waste management- 2.9% growth (Dh11.203 billion) : It holds the space of 3.3% growth to GDP and a total of 3.1% growth to the country.
- Real estate- 3.6% growth (Dh27.288 billion) : It contributes 8% growth to the GDP of Dubai and holds a percentage of 9.2% growth in whole.
Other sectors like construction have played a role in the growth of the country as it grew by 2.2% in 2024 and contributes to the GDP of dubai at 6.5% and an overall support to growth of the country at 4.6%.
How Did Dubai Maintained GDP Increase Every Year
- The increase in the global economy by the SHeconomy. As per the record from the world bank, women represent UAE in the workplaces at a percentage of 55.4% . It helps attract other women as well to work in different sectors.
- Migration has also played a vital role in increasing the GDP of the country as it is observed since the last few years, the number of migrants from other nations has increased, resulting in population growth at a pace of 10.8% from 2019-2023.
- Global inflation across other economies has eased in 2024 that resulted in lower durable goods and also helped in reducing the inflation of non-durable goods.
Dubai’s Economy Growth In 2025
Helal Almari (Director general of the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourist said that the D33 model for Dubai’s economic agenda was an exceptional move that resulted in an overall increase of GDP by 3.1% only in the initial 9 months of the year 2024. Being a part of the D33 that was launched in 2023, Dubai is expected to come in the top 3 cities with the world’s best economy in not more than twenty years. So, till the year 2033 Dubai is all planned and set to become one of those top 3 economies of the world. This year 2025, The GDP of Dubai is expected to grow at a rate of 5% that will be more that the 2024.
FAQs On Dubai’s GDP Growth 3.1% In 2025
Expected Dubai GDP Growth In 2025 will be around 3.1%.
Tourism & Finance Sector provides highest contribution to Economy of Dubai.